Friday, November 17, 2006

A poem for my gardenia bush

O lovely shrub,
your flow'rs are sweet
and pleasing to the eye.

But if your leaves
turn brown and drop,
I shall not wonder why.


  1. In my house, we call that fertilizer or showers of love! Just love the pup pictures.

  2. Well losing his eyes sure hasn't hurt Butch's aim! Carmon

  3. Some people just don't appreciate flowers... such a sweetie!

  4. Love it!! (poem and pictures)

  5. lol And I was expecting such a sweet ode to the flower's beauty... nice one Butch! There's magic in even the most mundane of moments. lol
    Have a great weekend, Velvet.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. You got me! I scrolled down expecting more beauty (flowers) - this is really cute. Funny girl.

  8. Roses WERE red,
    Gardenias WERE sweet,
    Butch haD a good aim
    When he lifted his feet.

  9. Velvet, HOW long did you have to wait for Butch to do that??? I just got a funny visual of you camped out with your camera ... waiting. LOL! Holly

  10. I adore gardenias! Have killed several plants, without any canine help, thank you.

    Maybe Butch just wants to make sure everyone knows it's HIS plant, LOL.

  11. LOL! I was anticipating more poetry... I lost a box hedge to my stupid dog who is too woosy to walk in the snow. Instead he stands on the front porch and pees on the bush. Jeesh.

  12. Heh-heh! Gotcha! BTW, I didn't take this photo of Butch on purpose; he raised his leg right before the shutter clicked. (I had an even worse accidental photo of Kadi but deleted it out of respect for her ladylike reputation.)

  13. This one should go on the Permanent Links along with the Butch baby photos!


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