Monday, June 19, 2006

Something nice

I found Fotos de Manuel Tendero when he commented on my peacock pictures the other day. His blog is in Spanish, so I don't understand the text, but his photos translate into every language imaginable. They are absolutely wonderful!

Manuel's blog has only been up since March, so you don't have a lot of catching up to do. In a matter of minutes you can go through his archives and see every single picture he's posted. I promise you it'll be well worth your time.


  1. ok i take a look, i like to visit different blogs sites, you know you can tranlate a web page with google don' you?

  2. Yes, Patsy, good point. The results aren't great, but if you really need to know and you don't mind a lot of cutting and pasting, it's better than nothing.

  3. no just copy blog address go to google translate page and push ctrl and v on the web translate all so say tran. from spanish to english to , site and it show you the tran. from spanish to english , wording comes out sort of funny some times but that is fun to. this site can be found by pulling up google then click, more then you have all these things listed click on translate site then you will see the opition for translateing from one language to another. web site, not the word translate. i use this often to view web sites in english.

  4. Thanks, Patsy. I was using a different online translator, and your way is much, much better. I appreciate the tip.

    Now, what did you think of his photos? Great, huh?

  5. Hi Velvet Wonderful aren't they? Must try Patsy's tip for translating.

  6. yeah i like the pictures but i also like to see what people are saying about the pictures , like the picture of the sun coming through the trees he sas something about hight lighting the eye of god.

  7. Wonderful pictures, I'll have to try the Google thing although I haven't even been able to be a direct link to your site on my blog. I followed the directions but it goes directly to the Blogger site and asks you to search. I saved his site for a daily look see at his pics.

  8. Eye candy...beautiful photos.

  9. Sandy, you have some really nice photos yourself.

    Janet and Noel, I HATE technical problems, but what I hate worse is knowing that it's usually just some TINY little thing that I'm overlooking.

    Gems, didn't you just want to EAT the orange hibiscus?


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