Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Maybe Today I'll Do the Laundry

It's warm today but a little cloudy. If it rains, I might be forced to do some housework. Aaaaaaand, wouldn't you know it? As soon as I typed that first sentence, the sun came out. Okay, then, God, I got your message, and I thank you very much. Another play day it is.

Yesterday started out the same way. I took my Doodle boys and my camera outside early. While Levi and Gimpy played, I checked up on Mother Nature to see how she's coming along with spring. A couple of crows were already inspecting the pecan tree that stands right behind my back fence. I'm sure they were as pleased as I was to see those branches beginning to leaf out finally.

My next-door neighbor's grapevine has new leaves, too. I love the perfection of these baby leaves, every feature of the fully grown version already there in miniature.

The clover didn't need inspection. It's been thriving for weeks now, patches of it sprinkled on every yard I can see from my own. I know it's considered a weed, but I think it's pretty anyway.

The lawn-maintenance man showed up mid-morning, effectively banishing me and my allergies from the yard for the rest of the day, so I worked (played) a bit more on the blog dedicated to my late Grandma Audrey. When Audrey was 70 (the same age I am now), she participated in a project to preserve the songs of the Ozarks, a collection that is available on the internet, and yesterday I posted links to her songs in the sidebar of Audrey's Ambition. I think her descendants will get a big kick out of hearing Grandma's voice. As for the rest of you, I know Grandma sang in the church choir for a number of years, but I would . . . um . . . respectfully suggest that by the time she was 70, she was better at writing than at singing.

Once the song-links were ready, I ate lunch and read for a while (finally finished that long, long book about World War I and started a new, user-friendly, mystery novel), then committed to a messy afternoon of painting. The second session of the Acrylics Exploration class starts later this week, so I needed to work on the last project from the first session. I turned my iTunes up loud and painted all afternoon. At the bottom of the next photo is my version of three overripe peaches on a plate:

As usual, I see plenty of room for improvement, but I'm so proud that my knife has straight edges that I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead.


While I've been writing this post, my next-door neighbor has been getting her lawn mowed, so it looks like another indoor afternoon after all. Okay. Laundry it is. First load (dark clothes) coming up.


  1. Your painting is coming along! See what's right in there and work on the rest!

  2. Your painting is going very well, a natural talent. I'm so proud of you for doing this.

  3. Thank you, ladies. The painting is giving me the same kind of pleasure I used to enjoy through all those adolescent years spent drawing paper dolls and their wardrobes.


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