Monday, January 13, 2014

Bright Sprig of Hopefulness

This was the view that greeted me when I stepped out onto the patio about seven-thirty yesterday morning:

Look at that sun, low in the sky, touching up the frosted lawns, adding golden highlights to cover the gray. See how it brightened my neighbor's garden shed...

 ...and her old oak tree that sits next to my driveway?

The sunlight felt like nourishment at the breast of Mother Nature, and the temperature rose into the mid-sixties. What a blessing.

I'd show you a picture of our view at seven-thirty this morning, but taking photos in the rain would have ruined my camera. Yes, it's gray and drizzly again, but yesterday's sunshine was enough to feed my spirit for at least another day or two.

The good thing about rain is that the dogs don't like it much. They go outside when they have to, finish their business quickly, and come right back inside. When it isn't raining, they do their business then race around the backyard, their feet sinking into the swampy ground, kicking up mud onto their legs and underbellies. Levi even got mud on his face yesterday afternoon, probably kicked up there while he was chasing Gimpy.

That mud gets tracked in, of course, gets shaken off their coats and slung onto open doors. I was looking at the back doorway yesterday, thinking all the parts of it need to be scrubbed, when I spotted another living thing that's trying to grow and, like me, needs sunshine to thrive:

Bless its little heart. I question its judgment but have to admire its boldness. Wish us both luck, okay?


  1. "Nourishment at the breast of Mother Nature?" Is that like the "Sucking at the government teat" we hear so much about?

    1. Hee-hee, Annette, I guess those concepts do sound similar, but I don't think Mother Nature has anything at all in common with the government. I guess when you know you have fire, floods and pestilence in your arsenal and never have to face re-election, you can feel comfortable being more generous and doling out whatever benefits you wish. There may be a likability factor, too. For example, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie clogged up one bridge and the whole country came down on him. Yet when Mother Nature destroyed large parts of Gov. Christie's state, the whole world offered aid and assistance.

  2. So the moral of the story is "Don't mess with Mother Nature!"

    1. Yeah, sump'm like that. The politicians who don't believe in global warning don't know who they're dealing with.

  3. Um...about that little weed-flower? You and I both know I'm gonna have to kill it.

  4. For some reason this particular post has become the target of spammers. Since 12:00 am Sunday, February 9, 2014, it has received 203 broken-English comments containing links to products and/or spurious websites. Thanks to Blogger's excellent spam filter, only one of those comments made it through to publication, but every doggone one of them triggered an email notification that I had to deal with. For that reason I'm closing comments on this post and hoping those losers will disappear into some black hole in cyberspace.
